
Hello! I am the VUEngine Studio documentation.

I am incomplete and still being written. Partially even outdated. Beware!

VUEngine Studio is a custom integrated development environment (IDE), tailor-made for Nintendo Virtual Boy game development with VUEngine, our versatile, object oriented Virtual Boy game engine.

Check out the following sections:

  • Setup: to get your copy of VUEngine Studio up and running.
  • Basics: to get to know the IDE and the most important of its many features.
  • User Guide: to learn how to actually develop games with VUEngine Studio.
  • Engine: to learn about VUEngine, the engine you’ll build upon.
  • Tutorials: for a different approach to learn working with VUEngine Studio (well… once anything is up there).

BTW: The name “VUEngine” (pronounced as “View Engine”) is based on the Virtual Boy’s code name, “VUE” or “Virtual Utopia Experience”.